Product Description
Growing Information :
Key Attributes:
Product Name                                     : White Egret Flower seeds (Habenaria Radiata) Egret Orchid Pastelis Radiata
Quantity                                               : Available in packs of 100, 500, or 1000 seeds
Mature Height                                     : 12-18 inches (30-45 centimeters)
Light Requirements                             : Partial shade to full sun
Soil Requirements                                : Well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soil
Uses                                                       : Ideal for adding grace and elegance to gardens, suitable for borders, rock gardens, containers, and as cut flowers. Creates a serene ambiance in gardens and attracts pollinators.
Product Details:
Germinate Rate                                       : High
Seeds Freshness                                      : New, ensuring optimal germination
Origin                                                       : Sustainably sourced
Shelf Life                                                  : Best planted within 1 year for maximum germination
Planting Instructions:
Seed Preparation:
No special seed preparation is required.
Sow seeds thinly on the surface of a moist, well-draining seed-starting mix in trays or pots.
Press seeds gently into the soil surface, but do not cover them as they require light to germinate.
Maintain a warm environment with temperatures around 70-75°F (21-24°C).
Germination typically occurs within 2-4 weeks.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Provide bright, indirect light or filtered sunlight to encourage germination.
Once seedlings have developed several sets of true leaves and are large enough to handle, transplant them into individual pots filled with a well-draining potting mix.
Gradually acclimate seedlings to outdoor conditions before transplanting them into the garden.
Space plants 8-12 inches (20-30 centimeters) apart in the garden.
Care and Maintenance:
Water regularly, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not soggy.
Provide some shade during the hottest part of the day, especially in regions with intense sunlight.
Remove spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.
Protect plants from strong winds and heavy rain to prevent damage to the delicate blooms.
Divide clumps every 2-3 years to maintain plant vigor and prevent overcrowding.

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