Product Description
Growing Information :
Key Attributes:
Product Name                  : Purple Phacelia Flower Seeds
Quantity                            : Available in packs of 100, 500, or 1000 seeds
Mature Height                  : 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 cm)
Light Requirements          : Full sun to partial shade
Soil Requirements            : Well-drained, moderately fertile soil
Uses                                   : Attracting pollinators, ground cover, erosion control, ornamental purposes
Product Details:
Germinate Rate              : High
Seeds Freshness             : New, ensuring optimal germination
Origin                              : Sustainably sourced
Shelf Life                         : Best planted within 1 year for maximum germination
Planting Instructions:
Seed Preparation:
No special preparation is required for Purple Phacelia seeds.
Optionally, you can soak seeds in water for 12-24 hours before planting to speed up germination.
Sow seeds directly in the garden after the last frost date or start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost.
Prepare the soil by loosening it to a depth of 6-8 inches and removing any weeds or debris.
Scatter seeds thinly over the prepared soil and lightly press them into the surface. Do not cover seeds with more than 1/8 inch of soil, as they need light to germinate.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged until germination.
Seeds should germinate within 7-30 days, depending on conditions.
Ideal temperature for germination is between 60-70°F (15-21°C).
If started indoors, transplant seedlings when they have at least two sets of true leaves and the danger of frost has passed.
Space plants 6-12 inches apart in the garden.
Care and Maintenance:
Water regularly, especially during dry periods, but do not overwater.
Purple Phacelia is relatively low maintenance and can thrive with minimal fertilization.
Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.
At the end of the growing season, plants can be cut back and composted, or left to self-seed for the next season.
Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as plants, and the soil and sky as canvas.
Happy gardening!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I purchased these seeds to create a pollinator garden. The seeds yield a high success rate. Instructions were simple and clear. Seeds started indoors so far but can be sown directly into the ground.

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