Product Description

Growing Information :

Key Attributes:
Product Name               : Dahlia Flower Seeds
Quantity                         : Available in packs of 100, 500, or 1000 seeds per pack
Mature Height               : Varies by variety, typically ranging from 1 to 4 feet
Light Requirements       : Full sun
Soil Requirements         : Well-drained, fertile soil with a pH level of 6.5 to 7.0
Uses                                : Ornamental purposes, suitable for flower beds, borders, and cut flower arrangements
Product Details:
Germination Rate          : High, ensuring reliable growth
Seed Freshness              : New seeds, ensuring optimal germination
Origin                             : Sustainably sourced
Shelf Life                        : Best planted within 1 year for maximum germination
Planting Instructions:
Seed Preparation:
Dahlia seeds do not require any special preparation before planting. However, soaking seeds in warm water for 12-24 hours can help soften the seed coat and promote germination.
Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. Use a seed-starting mix and plant seeds 1/8 inch deep.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged during the germination period, which usually takes 7-14 days.
Maintain a constant temperature of around 70°F (21°C) for optimal germination.
Provide adequate light for seedlings by placing them under grow lights or in a sunny window.
Transplant seedlings outdoors after the last frost date, once the soil has warmed and all danger of frost has passed.
Space plants according to the mature size of the variety, typically 12-18 inches apart.
Choose a location with full sun and well-drained soil for optimal growth.
Care and Maintenance:
Watering: Water dahlias deeply and regularly, especially during dry periods. However, avoid overwatering as it can cause rot.
Support: Provide support for tall varieties by staking or using plant supports to prevent them from flopping over.
Deadheading: Remove spent flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming throughout the season.

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