Product Description
Growing Information :
Key Attributes:
Mature Height                                                : 1 to 3 feet
Light Requirements                                        : Full sun to partial shade
Soil Requirements                                           : Well-drained soil, tolerates poor soil conditions
Uses                                                                  : Ideal for attracting pollinators, ground cover, and adding vibrant color to gardens
Product Details:
Botanical Name                                            : Phacelia Tanacetifolia
Common Name                                             : Purple Phacelia, Lacy Phacelia
Seed Type                                                       : Annual
Bloom Time                                                    : Late spring to early summer
Color                                                               : Vibrant purple-blue blooms
Pollinator Friendly                                         : Attracts bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects
Pack Size                                                         : 100 pcs/ 500 pcs/ 1000 pcs
Planting Instructions:
Seed Preparation:
Stratification (Optional): For better germination rates, you can stratify the seeds by placing them in a damp paper towel inside a plastic bag and refrigerating for 1-2 weeks before planting.
Timing: Sow seeds in early spring after the last frost, or in fall for a spring bloom.
Location: Choose a site with full sun to partial shade.
Soil Preparation: Loosen the soil to a depth of 6-8 inches and remove any weeds or debris.
Sowing Depth: Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly press them in. Do not cover with more than 1/8 inch of soil as they need light to germinate.
Spacing: Space seeds about 1 inch apart. Thin seedlings to 6-12 inches apart once they have several sets of leaves.


Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water gently to avoid washing away seeds.
Temperature: Seeds will germinate in 10-14 days with soil temperatures between 55-70°F (13-21°C).


Timing: Transplant seedlings outdoors after they have developed at least two sets of true leaves and the risk of frost has passed.
Spacing: Plant seedlings 6-12 inches apart to allow for proper growth and air circulation.

Care and Maintenance:

Watering: Water regularly, especially during dry periods. Purple Phacelia is drought-tolerant once established but will perform best with consistent moisture.
Mulching: Apply a thin layer of mulch to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.
Life's canvas blooms in gardens
Happy Gardening!

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